# Car Repair

High quality repair & maintenance

It is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will love.


Always deliver more than expected.

This proposal summarizes our plan of action to introduce *********** School pupils to the world of “Coding and Digital Skills” through block-based visual programming language.

            While we are all aware that computer science field is very vast; Octigon Code Academy has a well-structured curriculum to effectively stimulate young minds to focus on their areas of interests.

            Octigon Code Academy is sure to cover more than the introductory to coding curriculum; because of our policy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<personal vested interest in Peevee School.

            We shall go the extra mile to teach the pupils introduction to UI/UX; HTML, CSS, Introduction to algorithm, robotics, Ai, Machine Learning.

            Upon completion of this curriculum, the pupils are sure-footed and prepared for the more advanced text-based programming language like python, Java Script, c++ in their higher educational pursuit.


*************School is keen on imparting computer coding skills and computational reasoning abilities that will truly shift the attention of the pupils from being consumers of digital media to becoming designers and creators in this technology driven world.

            The director of Studies in ************School need a bedrock curriculum in Computer Coding and Digital Skills that will set ************pupils on the pathway to becoming bonafide digital citizens who can draw on computational concepts, practices, perspectives in every area of their lives and across disciplines.

            The school management is prepared to provide all necessary logistics to making this Computer Coding project sustainable.







Octigon Code Academy will introduce *************pupils to creative computer programming with “Scratch” which is a block-based visual learning approach.

We shall be having twenty-four sessions of one hour duration per class.

The following are the keynote service narration.

* 24 Sessions to cover curriculum.

* One hour duration per class of 30-35 pupils depending on the computer systems available.

* Sessions shall be in *******************School computer lab. One day per week.  

* The entire sessions shall be theoretical, hands-on, interactive and final independent celebratory projects.

Pupils start their coding journey with Scratch programming language, then progress at a level relative to their coding and coping ability.

Pupils shall be introduced to front-end web language like, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Algorithm, robotics, Ai, Machine learning etc.


Terms and Conditions

All other exigencies not captured in this proposal shall be addressed in our subsequent meetings.




Sign:____________________                                 Sign:____________________

                                                                                          Mr. Lucky  Imiefoh

                                                                                            Head Tech. Team.

                                                                                   Octigon Code Academy Lagos






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Hours of Work

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Client Satisfaction

Quality Services

Professional Services

Engine Diagnostic

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

Lube, Oil and Filter

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

Battery Repairs

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

Anti-Lock Service

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

Computer Diagnostic

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

Service Upgrades

Most of the vehicles damage as maintenance neglect.

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